Wednesday, March 21, 2012

British Finds and March Card Swap

I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted on the blog! I'm so sorry :( I have been busy crafting and shopping. I'm not usually a shopper, but my favorite antique dealer (Wooldridge) is leaving us to head back to the States to take care of his family. But I am so excited, as I have been working with them for over 2 years trying to get a specific piece of English History...and I FINALLY GOT IT! I got my very own Victorian era British Postbox. It's a postbox that was somehow damaged and "retired" by the British Post Office. Wooldridge then restored them as best they could and mounted them on a pub stand. Mine looks pretty good from the front, but the back door to the box is pretty damaged, but I'm ok with that and think it adds character. I'm also the only one with a Victorian Postbox from Wooldridge. Most others are Edwardian, Georgian or Elizabethian I or II. My husband has also been looking for a pub sign the last few years, but couldn't find "just the right one". He finally found "the one" after Wooldridge had posted a picture of their showroom. Here are the pictures of our Postbox and Pub sign:

Victorian era British Post Box

Restored Pub sign for The Pepperbox Inn

I'm having some issues with our Post Office over here and I'm really trying to be patient. I have had two replacement Large Paper Doily's sent and have received neither one of them. I also haven't received all my card swaps from the girls in the States, so I don't want to post those. But I will post my card that I made for the girls in the States and the one for my local group, as it seems that they've all received theirs.

Stateside Card Swap

British Card Swap

So here is a funny story...One of the girls in my Stateside group emailed me to say that she received my card and then told me about her cousin who was retiring from the Air Force in England, but she couldn't remember what base. She then told me her cousin's name and guess what! He was our old First Sergeant! What a small world! He is a great man and we are really going to miss him. He was a great First Sergeant who handled his troops with a gentle but firm hand. And when he left our squadron to go take care of Security Forces, he never forgot us and always had a minute to stop and say "hi" and "how are you?". Here is the retirement card I made for him:

Well, this is all I have for today. Enjoy the pics and I'm going to go out and enjoy some lovely English Spring weather (we don't get many sunny days, so we must take full advantage when we can LOL)

<3 Princess Honey

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